I know you are probably all in shock!! I am sure you can't believe your eyes. Could it really be true, an update on the Abel blog? I just happen to have my camera with me as I went through out my day today, I decided to take a few pictures so you could see what a day in my life is like.
As usual my day starts pretty early. I usually take Amery to seminary, then head to the gym for a quick workout. Then pick Amery up and bring her home to have family scripture study and prayer. Only to turn right around and take Amery up to high school and drop Dallen off at band practice. All before 7:50 Am. Only this morning I didn't do some of the usual things. I have been sick, so don't want to go to the gym until totally better and Dallen didn't go to band because I had to have him to the Doctor by 8Am.
About 3 1/2 weeks ago Dallen broke his thumb. He was being
a typical boy, by hurdling over the couch. He had used his hand as support to get over and somehow his thumb got bent wrong. He was in a lot of pain and it was pretty swollen.
Of course this was on a Saturday, when the doctors offices were closed. I thought it was probably just sprained, and it would feel better soon. When Monday came around and he was still complaining about it, I figured I better take him to the doctor. After an exam, x-rays, etc., we found out his right thumb was broken and he would have to have it in a splint until the orthopedic surgeon could look at it on Friday. In between Tuesday, when it was put in the splint and Friday, Dallen decided to do his swimming merit badge in scouts (not a great idea) and play tether-ball, as well as other typical boy activities. I thought maybe there was a mistake and it wasn't really broken.
But no such luck. Needless to say the orthopedic surgeon wasn't too happy about his activities. He put him in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks. Which also meant, I would be spending an hour or two with him each night writing his homework. ( I think he will miss that part)

So this morning was the big day, Dallen was finally going to get his cast off. The assistant did a great job sawing it off.

Dallen was so excited to have his arm free. He could cleanwash it (hurray for me). The first thing he wanted to do was try to write with it, which still kind of hurt.
He was so excited!!! That is- until the doctor came in....

It wasn't healed thoroughly and so Dallen had to get another cast. This time he chose a black cast with glow in the dark stripes. I hope he doesn't stay awake all night looking at it in the dark :)
Then off to drop Dallen off at school.... and to pick up Evan for the next Doctors apt. We woke up this morning to find Evan looking like this, only his lip even more swollen before he iced it all morning.

Apparently, last night while I was grocery shopping and Jim was gone, Evan was hit by a flying TV remote. Amery said he had been gushing out blood everywhere! She had cleaned him up, given him an ice pack and sent him to bed.
WHAT!!!! We can't leave the house for two minutes with out our children calling us about anything and everything. How come when there is a real emergency, we get no phone call??!!?? It was after 11pm when I got home from the grocery store (this tells you a little more about my typical day :), and everyone was asleep. Wonderful right? Guess not :( When we saw him this morning, Jim thought he might need stitches because his nostril was split pretty badly. He had a huge fat lip, a super red bloody looking nose, and a scratch connecting the two. Luckily, I called Evan's doctor on the way to Dallen's apt and got Evan in for 9:30am. We barely made it on time. The doctor said it probably could have used stitches, but it was too late now and it seemed to be coming together correctly, so he was lucky. She added for him to not be rough housing for the next week or so (
REALLY! She has been Evan's doc for 8 years now.
IMPOSSIBLE!!). If it was to split open again we should take him right to the ER,
like I have time for 6 hours of that.
While we were there, I decided we might as well give Evan and James their flu shots. Of course, they didn't think that was such a great idea. James didn't keep his cute smile for long.....

Evan said he wasn't going to go to school. He was sad because there was a special party today, but he didn't want all the kids to make fun of him and laugh. I tried to assure him that they wouldn't do that, and he should think about going back to school after we stopped quickly at the store. We ran, and I mean ran, into the grocery store to grab something really quickly. The first person we saw said "Do you want me to grab a tissue for his nose?" Evan just about died! He was so self conscious already, now I had no chance of getting him to school.
Luckily, Jim had a light day and was able to come home to watch James and Evan because, I had to get to the next appointment. Off to pick up Ashton from school early. I was so sad because today was there special Thanksgiving Feast with their 3rd grade buddies. Both Evan and Ashton had been talking about it. They were very excited! I didn't realize it was this Wed. until after I had made Ashton's dentist apt and couldn't really reschedule. Evan's class is Ashton's kinderbuddy class. Evan and Ashton are usually partners, they both are very excited about it. The feast had just started when I had to take him out. He wasn't as sad as I thought he would be, because his brother wasn't there with him.
Ashton had a marathon dentist appointment. We were there over 2 hours, and they had got him right in. Ashton was so good, but it must have been hard for him to be so still for so long. Unfortunately, he has bad teeth. He has the best brushing habits out of the 4 youngest boys, but he has had the most trouble lately. He had to get crowns on two of his front teeth, and they were thinking another crown on a side tooth, but I told them to really look at it when they get in there, and he was able to get away with out the third one. He also got a couple of other fillings.
Poor guy!

Some of you wonder why I don't update my blog very often. Maybe this explains a little. It seems like most of my days are filled with excitement, drama, adventure, sorrow, joy, tears, laughing, teasing, arguing, group hugs, and lots of prayer. Maybe this also explains a little about why I seem a kind of crazy sometimes, I probably am!
Yes! I actually made a post on the actual day it happened, just barely :)